Skills Assessment Tools
Initial assessment, digital skills diagnostic and resources.
Providers will be required to carry out a thorough initial assessment to determine the individual’s current level for Essential Digital Skills.
With this in mind we have developed a new Essential Digital Skills diagnostic assessment based on the new national standards for Essential Digital Skills within our Skills Builder platform.
NCFE have worked alongside the digital subject matter experts who developed the national standards for the Department for Education, to make sure we provide the most accurate initial assessment and resources that will help support learners and apprentices on the most appropriate digital programme.
The new digital entitlement will support learners with no or low digital skills. New national standards have been developed for Essential Digital Skills and will replace legacy ICT standards. These standards will also inform the development of new subject content for digital Functional Skills qualifications, available for first teaching from 2021.
New topics within the Essential Digital Skills standards include:
- Using devices
- Finding and evaluating information
- Managing and storing information
- Identifying and solving technical problems
- Developing digital skills
The new Essential Digital Skills offer will be available at Entry Level and Level 1. This will enable learners to develop the digital skills they need for a range of purposes.
Once the learner has completed their initial/diagnostic assessment you can then choose to access the supporting resources upon which an individual skills plan will be created for your learner.
The Skills Builder initial assessment for Essential Digital Skills and subject content closely reflects the new national standards and covers a wider range of skills in comparison to legacy ICT qualifications, reflecting the significant advances in digital technology and its application.
Find out more about our new Essential Digital Skills initial assessment and learning resources by contacting [email protected]. If you wish to book a demonstration of the Skills Builder platform complete the form here.