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Access Arrangements & Reasonable Adjustments

The provision for Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments are made to ensure that learners receive recognition of their achievement so long as the equity, validity and reliability of the assessments can be assured. Such arrangements are neither concessions to make assessments easier for learners, nor advantages to benefit the learners.

There are two ways in which access to fair assessment can be achieved, these are through:

  • Access Arrangements – allow learners with specific needs, such as special educational needs, disabilities, or temporary injuries to access the assessment and show what they know and can do without changing the demands of the assessment. The intention behind an Access Arrangement is to meet the particular needs of an individual learner without affecting the integrity of the assessment.
  • Reasonable Adjustments – NCFE is required to make Reasonable Adjustments where a learner, who is disabled as defined by the Equality Act 2010, would be at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to someone who is not disabled. NCFE is required to take all reasonable steps to overcome that disadvantage.

Below are our Access Arrangement Policy & Guidance documents, which will assist you in advance of submitting your Access Arrangements & Reasonable Adjustment.

Guidance on Applying Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments

Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments Policy

We have changed how centres submit Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments, requiring centres to distinguish between external assessments and internal assessments

For External Assessments only, Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments should now be submitted via the NCFE Portal and below is our Late Paper Modification Request Form and the Portal User Guide to assist you in submitting your Access Arrangements & Reasonable Adjustment.

Late Paper Modification Request Form

Portal User Guide

For Internal Assessments only, Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments should be requested by completing the form below:

Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments Request Internal Assessment