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E-Portfolio Systems

An e-portfolio is a software based application designed to replicate a learner’s paper based portfolio. It allows the learner to gather and store evidence electronically and securely, which the Tutor, Assessor, Manager and Internal Quality Assurer (or any combination of these) can then access remotely for a variety of purposes. Held on a secure server, an e-portfolio allows learners to dynamically interact with their own qualification and have more control over which pieces of evidence they submit and what criteria it covers.

The advantages of this type of system are numerous and include:

  • a reduction in costs of assessment and quality assurance
  • the ability for learners to upload information whenever they are at a computer
  • the facility for internal and external quality assurance
  • the facility for the learners' Line Manager to check progress
  • the ability to store electronic evidence such as video, sound files or photographs
  • the reduced impact of ‘lost portfolios’
  • the safe storage of current and archived portfolios.

How does it work?

The qualification is broken down into component parts and these are listed for the benefit of the learner. When the learner uploads a piece of evidence to the system, this is flagged to their Assessor who can assess this straight away, regardless of where they are, as long as they have access to the internet.

As soon as the assessment has been completed, the learner is informed of which criteria the evidence has met and therefore can see their progress almost immediately.

A similar process occurs with internal and external quality assurance which can increase the speed of this process tremendously.

Which system should I use?

We recommend SkillsPortfolio from Skills Foward.

We have quality approved the systems below that we would recommend you consider. To gain approval from us, these providers were successful in a rigorous reviewing process. The process looked at whether they met our criteria for ease of access, usability, security, audit trails, support and cost.

NCFE’s approved provider

Skills Portfolio

SkillsPortfolio is an online library of the evidence you need of your learners' work and progress. 

It is a dynamic and comprehensive portfolio management tool which will eliminate those mountains of paperwork.  It has fully integrated qualification tracking. 

Supporting Ofsted's philosophy of personalised, individualised learning, the system also conforms to RARPA's (Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement) process of recording progress.


Other e-portfolio providers:


Calibrand e-Portfolio is a powerful application that allows you to track the progress of learners through all stages of their training programmes and qualifications, learners, assessors, IV’s, EV’s and managers can access the e-portfolio system securely, via the Internet, at anytime. The learner portfolio is transferable and exchangeable, providing a Currency for Talent®.


Laser Systems

The Laser has been designed by teaching and learning professionals to deliver the best learning experience for learners, and assessment experience for assessors, IQAs, and administrators. Their e-portfolio has been designed for learners of all ages and abilities, with careful consideration given to the fact that everyone learns differently and some people have additional needs or require additional support.

Whether you’re a learner with a lot of computer skills, or an assessor who has never used an e-portfolio before, their system is logical and easy to navigate, with clear notifications and easy communication between learner and assessor.



Manage all of your assessment needs in one paperless system. Perfect for apprenticeships, NVQ, BTEC and all criteria-based qualifications.

Developed by our team of former assessors, OneFile has created a user-friendly solution to make life easier for the education and training sector.

Engagement between assessors and learners is more streamlined than ever. For the first time, users can work in sync to complete qualifications whenever and however they wish.



Quals Direct are an independent ePortfolio solution, specialising in vocational qualifications being delivered by Colleges and Training Companies throughout the UK and Overseas. Helping to support thousands of learners every year on a range of Apprenticeships, Diplomas and BTEC qualifications; we provide a first class service aiding your learners to complete their qualification.



SkilSure is a leading independently-owned e-portfolio solution specially designed to meet the needs of colleges, training providers and major corporations delivering vocational qualifications and apprenticeships in all regions of the UK and internationally. Built with responsive design it runs perfectly on all mobile devices without the need for an app.

Underpinned by an industrial-strength relational database, in addition to all the usual features of an e-portfolio, SkilSure offers a predictive yet customisable IQA sampling plan, the ability to map evidence down to the range level, a fully integrated e-assessment package and the ability to link resources of any type to units in the qualification.



SkillWise, the home of VQManager e-portfolio, is a web-delivered system which assists organisations in their delivery of work-based learning and traditional FE qualifications.

VQManager was first used in 2006, and has since attracted an extensive and broad base of customers including FE colleges, private training providers, local authorities and the NHS.

Smart Assessor

Smart Assessor is a fresh and innovative web hosted e-portfolio designed to make evidencing competencies more enjoyable for apprentices and their assessors. The Smart Assessor app enables you to access the learner's portfolio from any tablet or smart phone offline even when you do not have an internet connection. Unlike other e-portfolios our app works with laptops too.

Smart Assessor comes with an integrated web conference room we call them Smart Rooms. Assessors can use them to interact with learners 'virtually' over the web, in between formal face to face reviews. In the Smart Rooms you can record audio for Professional discussion, Q&A sessions and review progress. Anything you can record in the Smart Room with your learners and employers can be mapped into the e-portfolio as evidence. The Smart Rooms are a great way of reducing travel time and costs whilst giving your work based learners a richer learning experience.

What's more it's really easy to get started because Smart Assessor comes pre-loaded with your NCFE apprenticeship pathways hosted in the 'cloud' ready to use



What next? 

If you want to find out more about any of these e-portfolio providers, or if you’re interested in using their system, please contact them directly. Their details can be found on their websites.