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Preparing for an annual monitoring review (AMR)

Once you’re approved to offer our products and have registered learners, we’ll carry out an AMR each session. The review will cover all qualifications with active registrations within the last 24 months from the date of the review.

Your Quality Reviewer (QR) will contact you to suggest a date and time to conduct the AMR.  If this date is not suitable work with them to agree a date and time. 

No learner portfolios will be sampled during this review and the QR will not provide any subject-specific guidance The purpose of the AMR is to check you’re meeting our quality standards for Management Systems and Administration to ensure they remain compliant with our centre agreement and approval criteria.

View our User guide to the annual monitoring review (AMR) report and send all supporting evidence to the QR at least 48 hours ahead of your review.

Failure to send the required evidence will result in your AMR review being cancelled. Should the review be cancelled, a new date will be arranged in line with QR availability.

If during the review the QR identifies missing evidence, this will be requested during the review, failure to supply this during the review will result in an action on the report.

If this isn’t your first review, refer to previous AMR reports via the Portal and address all actions.

If you’re new to NCFE, refer to your Approval report and address any actions.