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How to send paper-based evidence for review

If you’re sending paper copies of evidence for review, make copies. All original evidence must remain at your centre as we can’t accept responsibility for lost parcels.

We’ll provide an address to send the evidence to and a receipt date.

  • Keep paper to a minimum.
  • Avoid bulky items such as ring-bound folders or box files.
  • Share anything you can remotely and complete one of the below documents to show where evidence can be located:
    • EQA review centre guidance document
    • Annual monitoring review (AMR) provider guidance document.
  • Use password protected USB drives, where possible.
  • Think GDPR. Don’t send personal information such as the learners address, date of birth, telephone number.
  • Refer to our GDPR section.
  • Avoid sending full portfolios.
  • For skills and knowledge qualifications send only one piece of knowledge evidence and skills evidence per learner, varying assessment methods and units across the learners requested.
  • For qualifications involving a research project, send only one full research project.
  • For qualifications involving longitudinal studies, send only longitudinal study.
  • For graded qualifications, send evidence across a range of units that relates to the final grade.