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Remote Invigilation Centre Approval

Centres must have prior authorisation from NCFE to offer remote invigilation for external assessments sat through our online assessment system, Surpass.  

Centres must already have the below approvals in place before approval for remote invigilation can be considered:

  • approved NCFE centre - click here if you do not have this in place
  • approval for the relevant qualifications - click here if you do not have this in place
  • set up as an online assessment centre – click here if you do not have this in place

We will also gather information in the below approval form on numbers of learners and dates of assessments, for monitoring purposes.

Remote Invigilation Centre Approval Form

Step 1: Are you an approved centre?

Step 2: Centre details

Step 3: Are you already registered for NCFE online assessment?

Step 4: Remote invigilation contact details

Nominated centre contact for managing remote invigilation across the centre.

Step 5: Nominated RI Centre contact

Nominated centre contact for managing all remote invigilation learner email requirements within Surpass. Please note, you can have multiple staff members, up to a maximum of 5 – if you require more than 1 please detail separately once your approval has been confirmed.

Step 6: Product details

Number of outstanding learners in total due to sit their assessment via remote invigilation?

Please fill in the number of learners against the relevant qualification below.

Please see for information on FAST

Step 7: Centre declaration